Path Tracing with Substrate enabled crash on 9070XT (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

Hey all, I recently switched to 9070XT GPU. I cleared all UE shader caches, 13K shaders have been recompiled upon opening my project.

Whenever I turn on path-tracing, UE5.5 crashes. Lit mode works well. My GPU settings are default, I also tried limiting the TDP but it is not a temperature issue. The path tracer almost crashes immediately after only rendering one frame with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG error. I set TdrDelay in registry to 20, didnt make a difference. I’m using latest drivers by AMD, 25.3.1 (233.4 KB)
Simple substrate materials do not crash with Path-tracer. I have pretty complex materials set-up with 2-3 slabs, subsurface diffusion also disabled.

Any help is appreciated. I already made a bug report.

Upgraded to 5.5.4, and did some more testing: path tracing works as long as you dont have any SSS Substrate materials lol. And all my SSS materials have the subsurface diffusion disabled.

Built ue5-main, Path Tracing works for a few rendered samples, crashes all the same over 16 rendered samples. If I click out on the desktop and back into UE the rendering continues as long as I keep doing that and don’t let it run all the way through – seems like some kind of buffer is being filled? Idk. However, the viewport is very stuttery, exhibits big stutters when moving around the scene, and the way the samples render also stutter, which did not happen on my weaker RTX GPU.

The log is also spammed with the following:

[2025.03.16-02.11.57:115][154]LogD3D12RHI: Creating RTPSO with 24 shaders (13 cached, 1 new) took 467.24 ms. Compile time 298.06 ms, link time 169.16 ms.
[2025.03.16-02.11.57:698][181]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.57:729][181]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.57:997][182]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.57:999][182]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.58:001][182]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.58:002][182]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.58:333][183]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.58:334][183]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.58:999][185]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.59:334][186]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.11.59:665][187]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO
[2025.03.16-02.12.29:347][278]LogRenderer: Using fallback RTPSO

Another thing: the card is barely being utilized.

pathtr-0-2025.03.16-14.23.14.profViz (11.3 KB)

The new hotfix driver from AMD didn’t make any difference. Same crash. It also happens in Lit mode btw, but no stutters there, just a random crash. Raytracing on, with Substrate.

UECC-Windows-B9E83FC8469721591BC79FAA0B133E7A_0000.7z (188.1 KB)