Path tracing multi GPU

I have 2 RTX 3090 - both are working at 100% with multi GPU but the resulting image has different color lines.

This is most likely due to how the shader was setup. The shader will differ depending on the screen resolution and other factors. You can change the shader code to accommodate for these changes, however I would need to know more about it in order to properly help you.

I’d say that what you are experiencing should be expected.

Sorry to jump in but how you enable the dual GPUs?

I tried with the command line -MaxGPUCount=2 but couldn’t make it work even though I am using NVLiNK and the SLI is activated in the Nvidia control panel.


Thank you, the issue appears only time by time and it does not happen with Movie Render Queue path tr render.

It is only happening when 2 cards are running, with a single one no problem.

I am using a metahuman default shader. SInce it is not appearing with MRQ, it is not a big deal for me.


You have to create a shortcut to run unreal engine, and in the link you have to add:
-MaxGPUCount=2 (if your are using 2 cards).

Then in any moment you can use console variable:

r.PathTracing.MultiGPU 1

and it will use your available GPUs


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What do you mean …in the link…?

Could you share screenshot please?


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hey man is this still working in 5.3?

I have 2 gpus, not nvlink, and I cant get the 2nd one to work using your method.

Did you ever find a solve for this?