물 맵핑을 입힌 후 Path Tracer를 적용 후 물이 검은색으로 표현

객체에 물 맵핑을 입힌 후 Path Tracer를 적용한 후 첨부된 사진처럼 물이 투명하게 보이지 않고 검은색으로 표현이 됩니다.​

(기존에는 투명하게 아래가 보였는데 갑자기 검은색으로 보입니다.)


This a current limitation of Path Tracer and Twinmotion's water materials. This is something that is planned to be improved in a future update.

One of our community members has shared a workaround they use to fake the effect of transparent water in Path Tracer in the following post: Water TW 2022.2 You may find it helpful to try the method they suggested for the meantime.

