Path Tracer in red

Hi all, I have a little Problems with Twinmotion 2022.2.

When I switch to Path Tracer, the scene is red or violet. Can you say, what is going wrong? I send a Screenshoots.

Thank you


Hello ,

When you use Path Tracer, what you are seeing is actually a more accurate and realistic version of the lighting in your scene, so the red tint is actually more accurate.

The blue tint you see in the normal raster render is actually inaccurate, because the raster render applies ambient lighting to try to simulate the effect of the sky on lighting. The ambient lighting is applied to everything equally, and doesn't account of shadow occlusion, which is why the blue tint is even visible indoors. If you lower the ambient value in the lighting settings, you should notice that your raster render indoors will look a little closer to the Path Tracer image when it comes to the tint of the image.

With Path Tracer, all lighting is calculated much more accurately and so the blue tint from the ambient lighting value isn't used. In the case of your image, only the sunlight coming through the windows and the light in the kitchen are contributing to the indoor lighting.

If you want to adjust the tint of the image to be bluer, you can try lowering the white balance value.

