Patching system not working c#

Hey there i apologize in advance for my bad english,
im using a c# script to launch and update my game. I have stored my patch .pak on dropbox (have tried googledrive) and using a wbclient and the sharing url of the dropbox file to download it. But my code just says it downloads sth and creats a file with the correct name but missing data. File should be 2,5MB but 350KB.

My code:

if (currentVersion.CompareTo(newVersion) < 0)
using (client = new WebClient())
client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(DownloadCompleted);
client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler (DownloadProgressChanged);

                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.AbsolutePath);
                client.DownloadFileAsync(uri, Application.StartupPath + "/ShooterTry5/Content/Paks/" + fileName);

                updatedVersion = newVersion.ToString();

                T_DownloadPercent.Visible = true;
                T_Downloaded.Visible = true;
                T_Remaining.Visible = true;
                T_DownloadSpeed.Visible = true;

            T_DownloadPercent.Visible = true;
            T_DownloadPercent.Text = "100%";
            PB_Download.Value = 100;

the url varible is just dir sharelink from dropbox.

If you need more information ore code just aks i will provide everything.
Thanks in advance.
And im apolo

i apologize for my bad enbglish is what i wanted to say xD

Solved the program needed permissons to download which it cant have because im not an authorized publisher. I used the DropboxAPI instead,