Hello, I’m experiencing issues while developing an application using passthrough on Meta Quest 3. The version of Unreal Engine I’m using is 5.3.
I followed the steps from this video to set up passthrough, starting from the VR template.
Since VR preview doesn’t work when the OpenXR plugin is enabled with MetaXR, I temporarily removed the plugin and confirmed that passthrough works correctly in the VR preview.
Before packaging, I restored the OpenXR plugin.
I checked the option for a shipping build and successfully built it, which resulted in two APK files. However, the AFS-PackageName-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk (the shipping build?) was extremely small in file size, and when installed, it kept showing an infinite loading screen with black “…”. On the other hand, PackageName-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk (the normal shipping file?) can be executed, but the areas that are supposed to be transparent are completely blacked out, and passthrough doesn’t work.
Project Settings:

Things I have tried:
Checked “Package game data inside .apk?”
This was checked from the beginning, and I haven’t changed it.
Leaving the application idle for a while after installation
This had no effect.
Changing the passthrough composition order from underlay to overlay
This only resulted in a completely dark world.
Introducing a keystore
I introduced it, but it didn’t change anything.
Antialiasing Method
It’s set to MSAA.