Passthrough Camera in Unreal Engine 5

There exists some documentation for the passthroh api in Unreal Engine 4 ( Passthrough API Overview | Oculus Developers and Passthrough Camera | Unreal Engine Documentation) but I haven’t been able to find documentation/come up with a way to acheive the passthrough effect in UE5? Has anyone done this in the past or know how to go about it?

Many of the methods mentioned in the Unreal 4 docs don’t seem to be available when called from Unreal 5 despite having both the Google ARCore and Google ARCore Services plugins enabled.

What platforms and devices are you looking to use passthrough with? The only VR passthrough method UE5 supports out of the box is using OpenXR environment blend modes, which are not supported by most runtimes.

For Oculus you might need to use their custom engine branch.