Passing bool from CPUSim emitter to GPUSim emitter

Using scatchpad we can read variables from particles in other emitters:

However if I try to use this scratch module in a gpu particle attempting to read from a cpu particle, it won’t work.

I have this one trick to work around it using user paramaters:
Create user parameters:
Export particle data to blueprint:

Receive particle data in blueprint (and set the impact bool)

Use the user bool to detect the paramater of the other particle:

However it has an obvious limitation of only being able to track one particle, which is actually fine for most projectile logic but less so if I am doing more complex projectiles (such as shotgun pellets, this code would work fine for that from the blueprint side of things, but not for any extra gpu emitters alongside the pellets in the niagara system since they’d be set off on the first collision only)

The major reason to want this is that niagara CPU collisions are more precise and reliable than GPU ones (I frequently see gpu collision particles pass through objects, I think it only works if the part that’s being collided with is in LOS from the camera)

Is there any other way around this at all?