Passing a UStruct to a BlueprintImplementableEvent in 4.15

I seem to be unable to pass a custom UStruct to a BlueprintImplementableEvent in 4.15, even in a clean project. To do this, I set up a custom player controller that overrides BeginPlay() and calls two functions, defined as such in MyPlayerController.h:

struct FMyStruct

	int32 TestInt;
	FText TestText;

class MYPROJECT_API AMyPlayerController : public APlayerController


	virtual void BeginPlay() override;
		void BP_LoadTArray(const TArray<FMyStruct> &MyStructArray);

		void BP_LoadStruct(const FMyStruct& MyStruct);

MyPlayerController.cpp is pretty simple:

void AMyPlayerController::BeginPlay()

	FMyStruct NewStruct;
	NewStruct.TestInt = -1;
	NewStruct.TestText = FText::FromString("test");

	TArray<FMyStruct> MyStructArray;

	// testing whether we can pass a struct array by const ref
	// is it empty?
	if (MyStructArray.Num() > 0)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Red, MyStructArray[0].TestText.ToString());


	// testing whether we can pass a struct itself
	// is it empty?
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Red, NewStruct.TestText.ToString());


Then, I made a Blueprint Child class of MyPlayerController, which implemented the previously defined Functions/Events, just to place some BreakPoints and check whether the events have data in the passed Structs. Simply put, they don’t. Does anyone know why?

Have you defined your Blueprint class as PlayerControllerClass in your game mode constructor?

I have added the tag: UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) to the TestInt and TestText in FMyStruct. This did however not solve the problem

Of course. The program even stops at the breakpoints as expected, the only thing that is missing are the contents of the UStructs.

When I do the same project in 4.14, these are available.

Could this possibly be a debugger bug? have you tried actually printing the contents of the struct to screen?
Something possible similar came up today here:

I feel incredibly stupid for this mistake, but the solution was quite simple all along. When I tried to print the contents, I noticed that I could not break the structs in Blueprint.

Adding a VisibleAnywhere to the UProperty Tag in FMyStruct solved the problem . The struct contents are visible now -.-