Hello, I’m trying to render my animated sequence in Unreal 5.4.2, but I’m having issues with parts of my character.
The character I’m using is Shogunate by Kiel Figgins. I’ve imported an FBX of the the character that was provided with the rig and then imported my animation.
The character had glowing eyes (only the pupil and the iris) and some other parts of the mesh, even when deleting all of the materials.
I found that I can get rid of these black artefacts by disabling Bloom in Post Processing, but now the eyes, and other things that are glowing in the viewport, are just black spots when rendered.
I’ve looked through google and found some other people having issues with glowing part of the mesh, but I have not found a solution. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Upon more testing I discovered that when using Temporal Super Resolution (TSR) when rendering, the problematic bits of the mesh go from black to glowing
Im pretty sure this has something to do will NaN values existing in the gbuffer somewhere, perhaps the normals?
A NaN normal would appear black typically, as when the engine tries to calculate direct lighting it would fail. And when a NaN pixel gets sampled during postprocessing effects, things can get weird.
I’m guessing something messed up with either during the mesh import settings, or there’s some defect in the mesh normal vectors.
If it happens regardless of material, it must be the mesh in some way. Look at the buffer visualization viewmodes, especially the world normal, and see if anything looks off.