Particles with collision


I’m really struggling on finding how to set my mesh to collide with the fire emmiter! The issue is that i need the fire to stop when it hits the top of the fireplace, therefore, i cannot figure out how, the documentation didn’t told me anything specific as that

Picture attached for better understanding


Take a look at the Scene Depth Collision -> https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Resources/ContentExamples/EffectsGallery/1_E/index.html :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your time and attention, i just don’t understand why some colisions are ‘‘scene depht’’ while other are just ‘‘colision’’

I’m using the fire preset, and the flames i can’t set to scene depht

Thank you again

Hey gabrielmuller -

You will probably want to adjust the particles behavior to have it live in your fireplace. You can adjust the sprite sizes and the velocity to better live in your fireplace even add a Size by Life and as the flame lives and moves upward they also get smaller and eventually disappear altogether with a Scale Color over Life (if you are using Initial Color) or adjusting your Color Over Life’s Alpha.

Thank You

Scene depth collisions are for GPU particles only, and regular the collision module is for CPU particles. You have to add first add the GPU typedate module 1st in order to see depth collisions in the module list. Hope this helps!