I’m attempting to replicate the tracers of a CIWS system. Here’s a link to the sort of thing I mean: Phalanx CIWS LPWS 20mm - YouTube
(about 0:03 to 0:10)
So far I’ve got a particle system that pretty much does what I need it to. The problem is that beyond 50 meters or so the particles go from looking like this:
to looking like this:
And here you can see how the rendering changes as they move out of range, eventually disappearing altogether:
I’ve tried just about everything I can think of to fix this but nothing has worked. The bounding box is set to be a 20km cube with fixed relative bounding box ticked and min/max set to negative/positive values respectively (the particles should only travel 3km at max). The LOD - of which there is only one - has been set to both 0 and 1000000, both to no avail. I’ve even amped up the colour and emissive values to extreme levels but those differences were only observable within that approx. 50 meters.
I did think that perhaps the particles were moving too fast to be seen but this is obviously not the case.
I’m fairly certain at this point that it must be some sort of culling setting or something not immediately editable in Cascade, however I’m not a programmer and I’m still unfamiliar with ue4 so I don’t know what to do really.
If anyone has any suggestions I’m all ears!