Particles getting stuck

I’m having an issue where, at random times, certain particles in my particle system are getting stuck. Considering they have a Lifetime value of 1.0, they may be spawning constantly despite the system itself needing to be shutdown. This message is seen in my console log:

GameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation spawned potentially immortal particle system

My particle system consists of two emitters. The first is a Mesh Data emitter that spawns a small burst of meshes in a random upwards direction.

The second emitter is a simple emitter with Emitter Initial Location set to the mesh emitter. This is not a burst, and is a constant rate of 10:

I spawn this from my projectile blueprint… upon collision, I call the blueprint node Spawn Emitter At Location with the location of the actor and Auto Destroy set to true… then I call Destroy on the projectile BP.

What I am finding is that rarely, but often enough to be an issue, I will find the “BubbleTrail” emitter, which is just a circle ring, floating around at some point in the world. Because life time is 1.0 on these, they seem to still be emitting despite loops for the Required module being set to 1.

What is the cause of this?


Instead of using Spawn Emitter at Location, I just spawn emitter attached to the projectile, set the projectile visibility, collision and motion to false and just use it as an anchor point in space. Then I destroy the projectile some time later when the particle system runs.

It’s not really ideal