Particles - Crazy low spawn rate?

Hello, I just installed Unreal editor and plan to learn the particles system but right off the bat I noticed a problem and wondered if anyone could help. Having watched some tutorials on U4 particles I started a new project with Starter Content added and placed a P_Fire in the scene and I noticed the spawn rate looks to be massively low. I only get a fire particle about once a second, instead of constantly as seen in the tutorial videos. Same behaviour in Play mode. P_Smoke and P_Steam_Lit are also behaving the same with crazy low spawn rate. Note P_Sparks looks to be much better but this could be because it’s using the GPU Sprites. Any help much appreciated.

TYPE: 64bit
RAM: 24.0 GB
CHIP x2: ,
DISK x2:

would need to see the setup of the particle, either you messed something up, have the engine visual settings very low, messed up the LOD, changed spawn rates, etc.

Since there are so many factors, you need to provide way, waaaaaay more info :slight_smile:

Try to change effects quality to Epic

Awesome, thank you, everything was set to Low by default on my system. Effects are now set to Epic and they are looking great.

Thanks for reply Luos and sorry for my lack of info.