While trying to create a Fire Particle System I ran into a problem: I am trying to get some panned disortion on my base fire texture by disorting the UVs of the Particle SubUV. However that did not work.
The documentation says, that the UV-Input is ignored.
I’m not quite sure what you’re hoping to achieve by panning across the texture?
The UVs for the particle SubUV node are controlled by the particle system.
If you were allowed to manually pan these UV’s you’d end up with particles showing the spaces between the fire if you see what I mean?
I think you could get what you want by using the Flipbook material function as the UVs of a regular texture instead of using the particle subUV node. You will give up manual control via cascade but you can easily get that back by adding a dynamic parameter.
And I think by UV distortion he meant a dependent texture read where you add another panning tiling texture into the UVs of this flipbook texture with the goal of making little distorty flame licking patterns.
STovey is correct about the Particle SubUV be controlled through the Cascade. I would have set up a MacroUV texture which pans on top of you SubUVs. Here is my example:
At the risk of answering your question with a question, I have seen Mr. Kladis’ Fire Tutorial and it should translate fairly well into UE4. Where in his material setup are you having a breakdown?
Basically at the very end where the “Add-Function” connects into the UV-node of the main texture sample.
The UE4 documentation mentions, that the UV-Node of any texture sample will be ignored.
Did some research, you can use a normal Texture Sample instead of a Particle SubUV and it will take your UV coordinate manipulations. You would still setup the Particle as if it did have a SubUV though.
You can´t believe how much I appreciate your efforts of answering the question. I have been working with the Cryengine previously and I was very dissapointed about the way they treated people in the forums.
But this is AMAZING! Keep up this kind of support!
For Mesh Data Systems, you will need to control the UV playing via the material and not via Cascade or as a workaround using the Dynamic Parameter Setup to manual control the time via Cascade.