so in making a spark effect coming off my sword when it comes in contact with a projectile and one out of like 5 times the particle effect does not destroy a little help on what im doing wrong
Hello king.cole6891,
Is it possible that the sword is colliding with the same projectile (or possible two) very rapidly? If this were to happen within the tenth of a second, it would trigger this event to be called again and reset the timer on the delay just before Destroy Component. This would cause the previous particle emitter to never be destroyed, while the new one gets destroyed instead.
A good way to test this would be to put a print string somewhere in this execution path to see if it outputs multiple times rapidly.
I’m sure there are other ways than this, but it would probably involve changing the logic entirely. The method I suggest is to use a boolean and a branch. Directly after the OnComponentHit event, add a branch and have all of your existing logic executing off the True pin. Directly after the True execution pin on the branch, add a Set node for a new boolean called something along the lines of bIsNotColliding and set it to False. At the end of your logic, after the DestroyComponent node, add another Set node for that same boolean and set it to True. Lastly, hook up a getter of your new boolean to the branch from earlier.
If done correctly, this should make it so that, even if the Hit event is triggered before the particle emitter is destroyed, the logic will not be triggered too rapidly as to reset the delay.
yup that would be the issue any suggestions on how to fix it?
thanks alot got the issue fixed
Why does triggering the event again reset the timer? That sounds like a bug