Particle Mesh Collision ( Niagara )

Hello everybody,

Im new here and in the UE.

Im here with two questions:

1 - How can i spawn mesh particles and make the collision based on the mesh, and not the particle.

The Mesh have simple and complex bounds.

2 - How can i make the mesh particles collides betwenn them?

Config of Niagara System:

Thanks everybody!

Have you found a solution?
I have the same problem of the “part one” of your request, but I didn’t found anything about it.

I have to spawn different meshes from array and I cannot set a proper collision mesh for each one of them

Niagara does not use the physics body for particle collisions, it approximates meshes with a sphere. If you need accurate physical collisions you should use static meshes with Chaos enabled instead of particles.

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