Not sure if i’m misunderstanding the checkbox, but for context I have a projectile that has a trial of smoke coming from it’s tail, the particle.
As soon as the projectile dies the particle smoke dies with it, suddenly disappearing from the level, instead of fading out.
I used “kill on complete” for the particle emitters involved, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.
afaik if you destroy the emitter this will be the case, you’d need to deactivate it, and destroy it after a delay to make it work. though, im no bp expert.
if your particle system is a component of the projectile then it makes sense that both would be destroyed when the root is. to get the desired effect i would set the visibility of the bullet part (the static mesh) then after the particle system is done then destroy the projectile actor. this is the simplest way imo
If the component is part of your actor then when you destroy it, it should destroy the component aswell. You could try setting the visibility of the bullet to false, then deactivate the particle system (which should stop the emitter that is running forever) and after a delay (usually the lifetime of your smoke) you destroy the projectile.