Hi, I’m new to Unreal and wanted to find out is there a way to achieve a similar effect like this particale forrest - YouTube in unreal? Thanks in advance
You would need maya/3dsmax/houdini/(maybe) blender and generate loads and loads of vector fields.
Then create a lot (A LOT, Millions and millions) of gpu particles, and set up the vector fields correctly.
Keep in mind, this will be very heavy on performance.
I would not suggest a beginner to try it, but if you really want to… I wish you all the best
Hi Luos, thanks for the reply. I know how to use 3d max, however never worked with vector fields. I don’t mind giving it a go. Would you be kind enough to share some more knowledge. This is actually for a university project and I’d be happy to credit you?
that yt vid has the vecfield plugin in the description, and the video itself is a tutorial.
You might also want to look into spawning gpu-particles on surfaces of skeletal meshes (for the tree’s,etc)
Blog author explains how they achieved particle based look for their demos.
thats not how you achieve it in ue4 though…
Interesting read for sure, but def. not 1:1 to be used in ue4.
Hi Luos, I’ve watched lots of tutorials and tried to build the particles system myself. however no luck. I’m really struggling with this project and have a deadline coming up. I wondered if I can chat to you about it on google hangout or some sort of live chat to ask few questions please please?
its not really smart you picked something you have absolutely no knowledge experience in for a project + heavy deadline…
I am really really busy.
You can add me on skype (luos_83) but I sadly cannot promise when I have time to help out.
If I do find time though, ill def do my best
Hi agian, I understand that its bit last minute. But I just want to try and not give up. I don’t think it will not take that long once I get past one or two things where I’m getting stuck. I’ve added you on skype so you can message me anytime and I can come online to chat quickly. You are a great person for helping so for even if you can’t any further