Particle events not working

It appears that particle event generators do not properly fire.

For example.
I start off with a default particle emitter.
I add an event generator to that emitter and set it to death with the name test.

I create another emitter and set it to loop once.
I add an event reciever spawn module and set it to the same as the previous emitter, death with the event name test.

result is a looping particle that plays the only the second emitter once at the beginning and never again.

I’ve followed tutorials word for word and cannot get the same results.

Is the node open in your screenshot the EventRecaiver Spawn? If so you might just need to add some number that’s not 0 in your spawn count for it to work (the default spawn will indeed just spawn whenever it would have without the event like you’re emitter seems to be doing. If you dont want that to happen you should also set that to 0)

Also, it might be easier to debug if you give you’re second emitter a different material. I don’t know how it’s setup, but it looks like it might be visually confusing to know if the second emitter actually did go off or not :wink:

Hey that worked and makes total sense, it cant spawn anything if its set to 0. face / forehead.

Upon further inspection this does not appear to work if the event receiver is a gpu particle for whatever reason. still it works if it isnt.