I have some particle components attached to a static mesh.
After teleporting they do not display until I sweep the camera around. I tried adding a SceneComponent into the hierarchy and they didn’t display at all.
I’m moving using Blueprint’s SetActorLoction and SetActorRotation functions.
I’ve tried setting the visibility and activation from blueprint but that didn’t help. I’ve removed LODs from the particle system.
Adding a test particle system it works fine, the difference is that I attached the previous systems to sockets.
Nope. I placed new emitters without the sockets.
New working theory. The difference is that my test system was active during the teleport, but my actual particles are not.
New working theory FTW. These are rocket engines and I’m scaling emission with power. If I keep them emitting when “off” (I can live with this, bug still exists though) then they keep working through the teleport and render as expected without jiggling the camera around.