I’ve finished my first projectile following the tutorial by LuOs, but when I try to use it as a projectile in the first person tutorial, the mesh parts of the particle do not update in realtime. changing the lifespan to 0.03 and increasing the spawn rate to 200 gave the illusion of what I was looking for, but eliminated the rotation of the particle due to low lifespan and caused flickering. Any advice on how to get this to work? I tried looking at the content examples and didnt get anywhere. Thanks Unreal community!
Link to tut would be helpful.
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This is the tutorial I’m using. Ok, so I need to add that he actually doesn’t cover using this particle as a projectile in the series, though I’ve gone through the content examples trying to see how the fire and water effects were made into projectiles and I cant seem to figure it out. Anything else that could help please let me know.
Ok so I did miss something - I needed to set to use local space and disable world spawn scale; but the particle still spawns sideways. how can I change the orientation/rotation?
Haha, glad you were able to figure out your mistake on your own!
To change the orientation/rotation of the particle:
- Use Rotation/Orientation Modules in Cascade Particle System
- Rotate it accordingly inside a BP actor.