Parallax Occlusion Mapping visual issue using Trim Sheet

Hello all- I’ve been encountering an issue with using POM with a trim sheet material I made in Designer. I’ve attempted to directly follow a few different tutorials to recreate the effect, but no matter what I’ve tried I keep encountering this visual glitch where at certain angles the UVs appear to wrap into the neighboring parts of the trim sheet, defeating the purpose of using one for this project.

If anyone is able to provide clarifications or insight as to what the problem might be and how to resolve it I’d very much appreciate it! I’m using 5.2.1 for reference.

Material preview with POM vs without POM

POM vs no POM on the mesh itself

Material Graph

Thanks again in advance for anyone willing to help troubleshoot!

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Hey there, have you found a solution to your problem? I have been trying everything with no luck. I am using a single UV channel as well for the trimsheet/techsheet