I Am making a game (early stage you know) but i’ve noticed an annoying dithering effect, here is a screenshot.
Any ways to solve that, to get simple shadows?
My game is Procedurally generated by the way
What those shadows are? SSAO?
I would just make blob shadow sprites and render them underneath objects.
I Dont know what thoses shadows are and where do they come from, they look nice, i want to keep them but that dithering is annoying (i’m fairly new to ue4)
Is there a way to make that disappear ? It’s annoying, i’ve noticed that kind of effect in Ark too near the beach on the wet sand.
I’m not alone http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038671782654
I just need the soft shadow, they don’t need to be high quality, just without dither
This I think is AO, try to turn off AO in postprocess volume, or you can try to fiddle with the settings, quality for example.
Seems to have disappeared, there is some Aliasing too, how to add a heavy AA ? Like x16 ?
(It’s a small game, i don’t thing it will have a huge impact on perf)