Paper2D changes its texture color itself! help me :(

It looks fine before I press Play Button.

After I pressed Play Button.

It slowly changes its color. (Don’t mind red letters)

I fiddled with Texture, its compression, sRGB and so on. I cannot find the right solution for this. But I need Paper 2D for convenient (it has a lot of flip to animates)

I am patiently waiting for your answers…

thank you for reading my post.

p.s. Do I have to fiddle with Light? If that it is… could you provide me how?

Thx to some korean community in Naver, I managed to solve it.

here is what i did…

  • go to Project Setting
  • in Engine -> Rendering… disable Mobile HDR (just in case).
  • and in Default Settings, disable Auto Exposure.

:slight_smile: I hope nobody suffers as I did.