Paper 2D - Platformer Game Template

hello mate, im ma newbie developer and these assets would help me out to get a start going and also learn trough your video series, but your link is broken, could you please reupload it? thanks :smiley:

***4.15.1 bug I ran into following this tutorial

So after creating the “RingBind” function in the Graph view of my HUD BP, making sure to set it as a “Pure” function, I was having a strange problem after I went back to Designer view and set the RingBind for my RingCountText.
Upon hitting play the “0” would fail to appear on the HUD in game, and even though I could collect my rings as usual, no text was appearing as a result of the integer count variable we set up. Triple checked all that was done right and I didn’t miss anything small.

Still baffled at that point…

So I checked official ue4 documentation on how to do similar things with HUD and saw exactly the same BP structure uses for this. Wanting to be thorough I tried it again including the only difference between how they did it and how the tut shows, which is in the order of operations, making me thing this is some kind of bug within ue4.

The tut clicks on Graph mode of the HUD BP then manually makes the function for RingBind and then goes back to Designer mode to bind it.
UE4 documentation would have you start in the Designer mode, click the “RingCountText” -> Bind -> Then hit Create Binding there. All this does is creates a new function for you with an I/O in the Graph. Using the function made this way I setup the nodes exactly the same as before…except this time it worked and my ring count now displays happily on my screen as it should!

Just wanted to share in case anybody else stumbles across this issue and gets discouraged.

Really appreciate the tutorials and openness shown to help people by the creator!
Found your series following along with Alan Noon’s tuts as a complete newbie to all of this and having issues with the ladder not working the way I wanted until I watched your tuts(flying mode inertia/brake deceleration. Simple fix but I could not figure it out haha) so I wanted to drop in and say thanks!

Hey, sorry about the delay, I don’t seem to get notifications regardless of my settings. I’ve updated the links recently as I was having problems with GoogleDrive. It’s in the video descriptions, but here is the updated link:

Thanks for the update. That’s really useful and definitely a good to know for the future. Great detail provided too.
I’ve not actually had the chance to even open this project in a while so my version is still in 4.14, I will try to update and check this soon and I’ll be sure to direct people here as I’m sure people will encounter the same problems.

Hi ,

Fantastic series of tuts, they’ve really helped me a lot. I did come across 1 issue, but I’m not sure if it’s an Unreal bug.

While working through ep.18 I noticed I was getting 2 warnings (within the OnPickup function) when compiling the GameControllerBP. The warnings indicated the child blueprints (bpPickupRing & bpPickupMushroom) were not inheriting from the parent class (bpPickupBase). I worked through the example several times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, but I continued to have the same problem.

I created the child BP’s as shown in the tut, but when hovering over each one the parent class always shows as Actor. I even tried reparenting each of the BP’s from inside (via File >> Reparent Blueprint) but the parent class still shows as Actor. It’s had me scratching my head a bit, as everything still works as expected. So I thought I’d mention it here to see if anyone else had experienced the issue.

Anyway thanks again for this fantastic learning resource :slight_smile:

Great Tutorial. Thanks !

I’m having an issue with the tilemap collisions, where my character falls right through the tiles that have collisions set. This is with Unreal 4.22.3 and 4.23.0.

I’ve checked to ensure that I’ve properly added the collisions in the tileset. I’ve also checked to see if the tilemap and the character and on the same position on the y-axis. Strangely I don’t get these issues if start a project using Unreal’s 2D Side Scroller template when adding a tile map to the template’s pre-built level. But if I start with a blank BP project or even add a new level to the 2D Side Scroller template I can’t get my character to collide with collision tiles in a Tile map. I’ve followed all the steps in the first three videos twice.

I’ve clone your template repo ( and have no issues opening it and playing your demo in 4.22.3. I can even create my own tile set and tile maps within your template and replace your tile map with mine and things work fine. Perhaps there’s some new default in recent versions of Unreal that I need to tweak?

Any suggestions?

You should have collision on the character and the tiles both. While in the editor turn on the option to show collision this will show you all the collision geometry and you should be able to see any problems with collision. It may be that your character is starting out in the level with it’s collision already poking through the floor collision resulting in an immediate drop through the level when starting. It may also be that the collision thickness is not enough and you may need to adjust it. Or maybe there is even a slight gap between tiles and collision is not totally solid across the floor of the level. Whatever the case is turning on the collision in editor should allow you to see it clearly.