Pak File Loader Plugin

[2022.04.29-16.05.34] Log: true

[2022.04.29-16.05.34] Verbose: Found PakPlatformFile

[2022.04.29-16.05.34] Log: D:\TestDLC.pak Pak OK

[2022.04.29-16.05.34] Log: false

[2022.04.29-16.05.34] Log: Failed to mount pak, stopping…

[2022.04.29-17.50.39] Log: true

[2022.04.29-17.50.39] Verbose: Found PakPlatformFile

[2022.04.29-17.50.39] Log: D:\TestDLC.pak Pak OK

[2022.04.29-17.50.39] Log: false

[2022.04.29-17.50.39] Log: Failed to mount pak, stopping…

[2022.04.29-22.56.06] Log: true

[2022.04.29-22.56.06] Verbose: Found PakPlatformFile

[2022.04.29-22.56.06] Log: D:\TestDLC.pak Pak OK

[2022.04.29-22.56.06] Log: false

[2022.04.29-22.56.06] Log: Failed to mount pak, stopping…

[2022.04.29-23.09.13] Log: true

[2022.04.29-23.09.13] Verbose: Found PakPlatformFile

[2022.04.29-23.09.13] Log: D:\TestDLC.pak Pak OK

[2022.04.29-23.09.13] Log: false

I ue version 5.01

I didn’t modify anything ~ directly use the sample project file ~ ~ after packaging, there was no chair or sound displayed

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@BlueMountainsIO - thanks for adding the MountPAKFileEasy node - it’s really helpful to have this. Are there any known limitations to its implementation or is it expected to work OOTB on most DLC PAKs?

Hey, it should work on most paks as long as it can detect the root and content path. Currently it’s doing that by looking where the AssetRegistry.bin is and deriving the paths from it. By default you always have a AssetRegistry.bin.

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Is there an obvious reason why we are having trouble making working pak files on different computers from the one that has the main game project? Sometimes the packaged pak file is way too small , and sometimes the file size seems correct, but still wont load into our compiled application

Also in your documentation, some of the images our outdated. Under the “build” tab in the launch settings, there is just a check box, but now there is a drop down menu with the options
“detect automatically” “Build” and “Do not build” so I was just curious which one it should be set to

I dont understand how to create pak file . Can you record a video for this or please give us a mor information about that

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Does it support loading png as a string in the PAK?

try make pak by 5.0

I literally used the sample project.

Made a TestDLC2

DoesPakDirectoryExist fails and it does not load.

I literally added a “2” to the end of everywhere it has said “TestDLC” packaged all the same settings. I’m going crazy in my main project just to learn it doesn’t even work in the sample project.

How can we get this to work?? I have had no response on email or marketplace page.

Getting exhausted. It’s been 15 days.


OKAY: In the SAMPLE PROJECT, your DLC was made with “TestProject” not “PakDemoProject” this was the error for using your own DLC in the Sample Project not working. None of it will load because all of the sample blueprint paths are using “TestProject”. This is very misleading.

Replace any and all “TestProject” text in the project with “PakDemoProject” and you should be able to load your DLC.

I would update the sample to have a DLC made with the sample project and change the paths, so it will help people. This confused me for a LONG TIME. One major major missing factor in using the sample project as a starting point.

Now I will attempt to make it work in my main project.

Got it to work in my main project, even with the plugin disabled. I can finally move on.

Hi, I am experiencing an issue where when I do development build the mounting DLC works fine, however when I try mount via shipping build the dlc mount works, but then the content dissapears. Any one else exprience this?

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  • Resolved: This issue is fixed in 5.1preview 2

Just bought the plugin - the demo scene did not have a .pak included for unreal 5 and the 4.27 pak file wasn’t valid.

I followed your tutorial to create a new pak file, and had this error:

LogWindows: Error: FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert '../../../RemappedPlugins/TestDLC/Content/Scales.uasset'. Attempt result was '../../../RemappedPlugins/TestDLC/Content/Scales', but the path contains illegal characters '.'

this is in the cook log:

LogPackageName: Display: FilenameToLongPackageName failed, we will issue a fatal log. Diagnostics:
	ConvertRelativePathToFull=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/RemappedPlugins/TestDLC/Content/Scales.uasset
	RootDir=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/
	BaseDir=C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Binaries/Win64/


Just wondering if there is a way using the PakLoader plugin to load a ‘mod’ pak, which doesn’t include a .bin file.
The mod pak replaces exising files (meshes / textures etc) in other pak files.

If we drop the pak file into the Content/Saved/Paks folder in the install directory at startup, the new files are used.
But if we mount the mod pak at runtime, even for the files are loaded, the exising files are returned.


edit: Resolved - make sure your project settings in the pak file creator match the pak file loading project exactly. If you optimize certain render settings, make sure it’s in both projects.

I’m working with the 4.27 demo project and pak file - when I load from disk, it loads two statues, but when I’m downloading from the internet, it loads only one sculpture - the blue one.

Hi, I got this plugin last week, but I can’t get it to work with Materials in UE5 (and 5.1). I see the same issue on the Epic Questions. Hopefully you can provide a solution.

I can always post my Blueprint if that helps.

Materials do work on Android (Quest). This issue seems to be
only on windows currently.

Hello, I have a question.
Does it work well on Android?
I downloaded the pak file using “Download Pak”. And I used “mount Pak File” and “Register mount point” to mount.
I ran the app for the first time, downloaded “pak file” and mounted it to check the operation. However, after rebooting the app, there was a problem going back to before it was mounted. Did you enter “save path” incorrectly for “Download park”? Is it saved as an “android internal storage” storage path?
Did you enter “path” incorrectly for “Mount park file”? It’s full of questions.

I’ve released a new plugin for the editor. The PakCreator can cook and package assets from a content plugin and generates a pak file out of it.

This means you no longer have to go through Unreals project launcher settings to create a pak file :slight_smile:


While using your Pak loader I was successful in loading the map from other project. The problem that I’m facing is that some of the meshes turn black when they are loaded. While the meshes seem to be fine when I check them in the original project. I’m attaching a screenshot for your reference. Please advise.

Also, I’m waiting for the updated version of your pak creator plugin.


This looks really helpful. We’ve been using your loader plugin on PC, Android and iOS successfully. What would be required to also support packaging for iOS?