Painting foliage on static mesh


Its kinda odd since i never had this problem before. I’ve been trying to paint foliage on a certain mesh. it works on all the others but not on only this specific mesh.

i’ve checked everything and i just don’t see any difference in the details tab compared to my other meshes. The import was done exactly the same. and tried to google it but all the solutions recommended are already on by default… so i have no clue?

i have exported and reimported the mesh again and it solved the issue. doesnt solve why it acted odd. must have been some error somewhere? but anyways solved.

Does it have collision?

Yes, its just very odd. every setting on all other meshes are exactly the same as this mesh but the foliage just wont paint or even show the brush. I am importing another mesh just to test.

Maybe the face of the mesh are too steep? Try increase the ground slope angle, in the foliage mesh settings

Hey there @FlyXdvd! Welcome to the forums! Is the mesh you’re attempting to paint foliage on to generated by a cube grid or other generated system? If so, it’s a known issue with the cube grid in UE5.

It might have collision set to ‘project default’, but is there actually a visible green line in the static mesh editor when you show it?


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woops, totally forgot. I reimported it with a couple of other imports just as a test. and it fixed it.
i still have no clue what happend but i guess some error on the import part for some reason since i dont change the settings for these.

but anyway solved.

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