Painting Different Layers on Landscape Makes Material Reset to Default Material

Hi. I created a material blend for my landscape and when I use three of those materials on my landscape, I see the following result:

I tried to rebuilt lightings and it didn’t work. Landscape becomes like this when three materials are used on one segment of the landscape.

The material I’ve created for the landscape is this:

I don’t know what might be causing this but this seems like a problem with my own material because it used to be like this on 4.25.

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance.

You’ve run out of texture memory. Click on all your textures and in the details, change ‘sampler source’ to ‘shared:wrap’.

Hi. Thanks for the reply. And yes, it worked. Thanks a lot. By the way, what does this option do and what am I sacrificing here?

So, now when I look down on my terrain, it flickers…

Using a lot of layers uses memory. There probably is some other trade-offs, but I’m not sure what I’m afraid…

That might be a different thing. Does this happen in game play?

I decided to disable my material tessellation for the flickers to go away. Tessellation doesn’t matter in my case so I did let it go… Thanks for your time though.

I never use it either. Overrated for the amount of lost frames in my opinion… :wink: