Packing VR scene, Missing motion controllers in the Build.


After packing VR for oculus rift controllers will not work. I have tried to type “stereo on” in console but it only enables the VR headset controllers are left out. What shall i do?

To my knowledge there is no specific command to enable just the Motion Controllers, so they should work right away. The only caveat is that, if they are in sleep mode, you often need to press one of the facebutton to wake them up. Just waving them in front of the sensors will not wake them up, so they won’t be visible/tracking until they get out of sleep mode.



Is there a short console command for taking it out of sleep mode? I get the VR headset working but the controllers will not show up on the screen.

Not that I am aware of any. Just to check, can you confirm that both your sensors are on (white LED light on) and that the HMD tracks/works properly, just the controllers do not show up? Do they appear if you wake them up by pressing a face button? Or not at all?

Both Lights are on i am using VR default template that comes with Unreal engine 4 HMD is activated but just the controllers are missing when it’s packed.

i am using Oculus by the way ^^ i cant find the face button.

I have tried bashing all face buttons a to b etc without any avail

Sorry @Occludion, I have no idea what may be happening. There is no reasons why a packaged project shouldn’t have the controllers if you have them in the editor.

The only other thing that comes to mind is that you have not properly setup your Level → GameMode → VR Pawn references and you are overriding them inside the editor, but when the game gets packaged it goes back to the default Pawn which doesn’t have any controller defined. Can you double check that?


Thanks man :slight_smile: