is it possible to package single project into windows, mac and android Platform ?
If you notice, under the File->Package Project menu, you have options for different platforms to package your game out to. You should be able to package your project for any of these platforms with minimal issues.
However, some platforms, such as iOS and Android, require special setup in order to get them working.
Here are our guides for Windows, Mac, and Android packaging:
Android: Android Quick Start | Unreal Engine Documentation
Windows: Packaging Projects | Unreal Engine Documentation
Mac/iOS: iOS Quick Start | Unreal Engine Documentation
However, keep in mind that in order to package onto a Mac, you’ll need to be developing your project on a Mac to avoid unnecessary headache.
Have a great day
Please provide the full output log from your project’s Saved->Logs folder after the packaging fails. Thank you
Do you have any [ ] characters in the title of your game? There is an error in your log that relates to having a [ or ] character in your project.
no i didn’t kept any character in that project, in fact that is a small test project, because my earlier project failed with same issue several time, so i created this blueprint first person project and tried to package, the way i created this project is like this:-
- opened new blueprint first person project for mobile / tab in maximum quality with no starter content,
- i delete all arena, cube and template level. then edited firstpersoncharacter and delete all node in Spawn Projectile Group and compiled,
- I imported my floor and wall fbx and edited material and gave collision to each.
- then i setup project build light only in production quality and packaged for Android All.
Now Please help to find out ware I did mistake… Thanks
Take a look at this post:
Have you ensured that you have the SDK Platform installed as suggested in the accepted answer?
this link doesn’t give correct answer, I have installed sdk platform (C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows)
Are you able to package a clean, blank project successfully for Android?
Also, have you ensured that all your directories and keystore information are typed/selected correctly?
No Clean First Person project also cannot package, t tried but failed, link text
I have include log file after failed and output log as well,
I see this error message: DistributionSigning settings are not all set. Check the DistributionSettings section in the Android tab of Project Settings
Take a look into that error and let me know if resolving it makes a difference.
Also, take a look at this forum thread and see if the solution helps in your case: Packaging for Android in Shipping mode fails - Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums
I followed all steps generated storekey and pasted into project/build/android folder
again failed log and output log is here please look at this and find the solution.[link text][2]
Hey sherpadawa,
I’m going to start from the beginning to make sure you’ve gone through the steps the correct way, as it’s possible a step was missed and the error occurred.
CodeWorks is not compatible with any version of the engine prior to 4.12. You will need to uninstall AndroidWorks before installing CodeWorks.
- Navigate to C:\NVPACK (or wherever you have your installation) and run the uninstaller located there.
- Once there, hit next and wait for the Uninstaller to process the removal.
- Once completed, this will ask you to restart. Restart your computer. When this is finished, feel free to remove leftover files in the NVPACK directory.
- Once the old installation has been completed, obtain the installer for the new version.
Binary: [EngineInstallLocation]\Unreal Engine[EngineVersion]\Engine\Extras\Android
- After that is set up and the Android NDK screen (as shown above) appears, choose standard and hit the next button to begin installation.
Let me know if that helps.
This setup also couldn’t help me i did according to your guide, this time i installed CodeWorks for android 1R4u2
and updated all content in Obsolete
then opened new plain blueprint first person template and tried to package without changing anything but failed,
i have connected Lava iris 402, android version 4.2.2, which is showing in Launch Option also. please help
Did you completely uninstall the previous version before attempting to install the newer stuff? That is an important step that I notice you didn’t mention in your steps.
Yes, I uninstalled properly even i deleted the NVPACK and NVIDIA Folder from C:\ before installing new, t think my android mobile device is not supported, I had connected Lava iris 402, android version 4.2.2 which is not in Android Device Compatibility list,i am thinking to change supporting device according to Android Device Compatibility is it necessary to match the compatibility perfectly ? need advice. Thanks.
Yes, I uninstalled properly even i deleted the NVPACK and NVIDIA Folder from C:\ before installing new, t think my android mobile device is not supported, I had connected Lava iris 402, android version 4.2.2 which is not in Android Device Compatibility list,i am thinking to change supporting device according to Android Device Compatibility is it necessary to match the compatibility perfectly ? need advice. Thanks.