I have packaged previous, smaller versions of my game in the past, and they have compiled without error. For some reason now, with two larger updates, the game is now completely unable to compile, giving me a “PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure”.
I noticed a few things in my output log:
I use a lot of the starter content textures on my BSP’s in the map, as well as on some models as temporary textures. Some of these textures seem to be creating errors when loading them:
“UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): Cook: LogInit: Display: LogCook: Error: Error loading C:/Users/Cayden Berry/Documents/Unreal Projects/SOS/Content/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/SOS/Content/StarterContent/Materials/M_Concrete_Tiles.uasset!”
As well as M_Metal_Burnished_Steel.uasset, M_Metal_Chrome.uasset, M_Metal_Steel.uasset
I also seem to be getting warnings with “FBufferReader” because it is unversioned.
I also have this, I don’t know if it helps or not:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: Cook failed. —> AutomationTool.CommandletException: BUILD FAILED: Failed while running Cook for C:\Users\Cayden Berry\Documents\Unreal Projects\SOS\SOS.uproject; see log C:\Users\Cayden Berry\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Eng
Attached below is the file Cook-2018.03.26–08.29.00.txt, just in case if you wanted to see that. I do not know what to look for in terms of important errors, as there is no guide on it that I could find, and any content that I looked up regarding this didn’t really help out my situation.