Packaging without debug file ?

Hi everyone,
I’m packaging my UE4.26 project for shipping to users.
When I make the package there is a .debug file in Binaries/Linux that uses a lot of space and that is not of any use to the end users.
I tried to set IncludeDebugFiles=False in DefaultFame.ini, but this .debug file is still here after packaging in Shipping mode.
I’ve tried to delete manually this .debug file and it seems my game is working properly from an end-user point of view.
Is there a way to avoid generating this .debug file when packaging the project ?

Thanks in advance !

When you are packaging the game, have you set the binary configuration to Shipping instead of Development or the others?

Hello, and sorry for the late reply I was on parental leave :slight_smile:
Yes I did set the binary configuration to Shipping.
This might no come from Unreal itself: I’m using the CARLA plugin for autonomous vehicle simulation.
Diving in deeper, the way the package is created (with CARLA pipeline) is using the script, called as follow

  ${UE4_ROOT}/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ BuildCookRun \
      -project="${PWD}/CarlaUE4.uproject" \
      -nocompileeditor -nop4 -cook -stage -archive -package -iterate \
      -clientconfig=${PACKAGE_CONFIG} -ue4exe=UE4Editor \
      -prereqs -targetplatform=Linux -build -utf8output \
      -archivedirectory="${RELEASE_BUILD_FOLDER}" calls the AutomationTool.csproj that only allows $(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU
$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Development|AnyCPU

I guess I’ll just stick with the Debug version for now