Straightforward, but crippling bug. When running the game in VR Preview from the editor, we get a full 90 fps on our Oculus Rift CV1. After packaging the game, the packaged game runs at 45 fps.
Note that the bottleneck appears to be the GPU and the frame time has doubled in the packaged version. Could this maybe be an issue with the Oculus Store or Oculus drivers?
After dealing with this issue for over a week, the issue turned out to be something very frustrating the engine can do specifically with Oculus headsets: different screen percentages for packaged vs editor games.
Using the console command "hmd sp " (from you can change your Oculus’s screen percentage. For some reason the editor seems to default to 100% Screen percentage, whereas packaged builds seem to default to 150% which can cripple performance.
I couldn’t find any config file or setting to change this, so the only choice seemed to be to add a console command Blueprint node to the GameMode BeginPlay event with the console command “hmd sp 100”.