Packaging problem UE5 quixel megascan

Hi everyone,
i’m trying to pack my game but i’m having some problems. I’ve been reading several threads but i couldn’t manage to find any solutions, i think it can be related to Quixel Megascan.

My game is pretty easy, just a walking throught inside a simple architectural environment. I made the model using Rhinoceros, then using Cinema 4d i defined last details and added some fornitures. I used datasmith to import the whole model and then i added some others fornitures importing FBX.

Inside Unreal 5 i’ve just assigned Quixel Megascan Textures, integrated some Blueprint for interactions and added some lights.

At the beginning i’ve tried to export my game with just few mesh and textures and it was working perfectly.

I attach part of the error that i encountered.

I hope someone can help me!

Most of these error’s i have no idea about.
But are you using this for a VR build?
I see some “Could not write to Oculus VR” errors in there.
Might be worth taking a look at that atleast.

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Quixel support helped me to find the solution, it was a folder position issue:

**"The log file you shared points towards writing restrictions upon 04 different files in your project directory. **

**Try changing your project directory as a quick check. **
**Just ensure that the project is placed in a directory other than the G:\ drive. **

**Once the project directory has been changed, open it up in your Editor and attempt to package it again. **
Let me know how the results turn out then."