Im exporting my game so I can send it to a few of my friends to playtest (Its far from done) and While I try to package it it comes up with a bunch of errors… Here’s what it says specifically:
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: e:\Coding\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST\Source\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST.Build.cs(2,9) : error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: e:\Coding\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST\Source\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST.Build.cs(2,51) : error CS1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: e:\Coding\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST\Source\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST.Build.cs(2,58) : error CS1001: Identifier expected
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: e:\Coding\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST\Source\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST.Build.cs(2,60) : error CS1518: Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: e:\Coding\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST\Source\TRAPPIST\TRAPPIST.Build.cs(2,91) : error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: Unable to compile source files.
So I went into the visual studio file in which the output was talking about and this is what it looks like:
This isnt SUPER urgent but id like for someone to get back to me as soon as possible… Thanks guys