I recently migrated from ue4.14 to ue4.16.1 in the GitHub master branch.
I packaged my game and notice that a bunch of assets are not packed in the stand alone game. Some of which are required for my game to run properly.
This is a neat feature as I sometimes add assets that aren’t used in the end. But there are some folders that I load on the go which I know are needed, that must always be packaged.
For example, the game will load a bunch of note sounds in Game/MusicShoot\Audio\Notes\Clean/*.uasset, which works great in the editor. But when I package the game, all those files are not packed, and when I play the game in stand alone, the files aren’t found by the game.
Here is a picture of this on the files in the editor, and the stand alone version.
How can I force a whole folder, so that the assets and folder under it are not skipped in the cook/package progress?