Packaging game fatal error LNK1181

So I have this project with C++ and blueprints.
Unreal Engine & Visual Studio were installed on the E: drive, because the C: drive didn’t have enough space.

When I try to compile with Visual Studio I have the following error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘delayimp.lib’

Error that googling around and finding on this forum there are two solutions:

  • Have both Unreal Engine and Visual Studio + SDK on the C: drive
  • On Visual Studio modify the project settings adding “$(LibraryPath)” under Library Directories under VC++ Directories

The second fix works for me but only if I use Visual Studio, when I build for development mode using other IDE/Editor (like visual studio code) it still has that problem.
So I kept using visual studio.

But now this error shows when I try to package my game. I guess Unreal tries to use directly the compiler and without that setting it doesn’t compile and I can’t package my game.

Does anybody knows a solution for this error? Anyway to make this library path something visible outside Visual Studio? I have a game jam that is ending and I can’t upload my game because of this :frowning:

Thanks for any help!

Did you ever figure this out?

Greetings @E-maniscool

Welcome back to the Unreal Engine Community Forums. The error above is generally caused by missing files or incompatible VS versions. I’d take a look at this post for reference on that. I hope that this helps!