Packaging game fails with Audio Visualization plugin enabled

I totally [posted this elsewhere][1], but after nearly 30+ hours of working on this issue with no progress, and no responses to questions (on AnswerHub, UE forums, and UE subreddit) I’m at my wits end! I need to get this packaged for a client in the next few weeks, so any direction towards solving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

After searching, I know it’s been posted about a handful of times, with no real solution having come of it. I’ve spent nearly two straight days on this to no avail, here’s what I’ve found:

The build error caused is UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Couldn’t find module rules file for module ‘Kiss_FFT’.

Kiss FFT is the fast fourier transform library that Epic has relied on to make their SoundVisualisation plugin, and Epic has not updated that plugin since it’s original release with UE4.0.

From what I can tell, this error occurs because the implementation of the Kiss FFT library is set to only work inside the editor, and thus no .Build.cs file was created for that module. When you attempt to package a project requiring the module, it cannot be found, and the packaging fails.

I was working in a Blueprint-only project, so I first attempted to generate Visual Studio project files. This did nothing. I ended up downloading the UE 4.6 source code from github, and recompiling the engine in order to gain access to the source code for the SoundVisualization plugin. Once I had recompiled, I converted my project to the new version of UE 4.6 and opened everything up.

A couple things I noticed:

SoundVisualizationStatics.cpp contains code that has been wrapped in #if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA directives. I first thought this may be an issue, so I replaced the code with #if PLATFORM_WINDOWS as I’m not building for anything else right now. This did nothing. The same file has a debug line that claims this:

 UE_LOG(LogSoundVisualization, Warning, TEXT("Get Amplitude does not work for cooked builds yet."));

That’s obviously not super descriptive… I’ve never seen this debug line appear in any of my logs, either.

There is a .Build.cs file for the SoundVisualization plugin, and it does attempt to include the Kiss_FTT as a third party dependency, as shown below:

 AddThirdPartyPrivateStaticDependencies(Target, "Kiss_FFT");

I saw elsewhere on the answerhub that someone had success with a similar issue by changing this line to PublicDependencyModuleNames.Add(“Kiss_FFT”);, but this did not work.

Finally, I noticed the engine’s source code actually does come with a version of Kiss_FFT, which you’ll find in “…/Source/ThirdParty/Kiss_FFT”. This is version 1.29 of Kiss_FFT (the latest version is 1.30), but it should still work fine. Sure enough, this directory contains a .Build.cs file for Kiss FFT, which contains the following line:

 // Compile and link with kissFFT
         string Kiss_FFTPath = UEBuildConfiguration.UEThirdPartySourceDirectory + "Kiss_FFT/kiss_fft129";

While this seems to be pointing to the appropriate path, maybe it needs to be modified?

I’m pulling my hair out here, any help would be hot!

The audio visualization plugin is an experimental tool that was created for an internal Epic event and the developer who created it did not intend to follow up with it. However, we have recently hired an audio developer so there will be new audio features in the future.


Thanks for getting back to me, . Any chance you can make this one of the first tasks for your new audio guru!? A long-shot, I know… but now I’ve got a mostly built project for a paying client that I now cannot deliver. (I was unaware of build issues with the plugin when I took the project…).

In terms of fixing this myself, I assume the “cannot find module” issue is a relatively standard problem when including external libraries, plugins, DLLs, whatever. Seems to me like then compiler simply can’t find the files in question, as though they’re placed in the wrong directory. Am I on the right path here? Any tips on how to go about solving this?

I can certainly make a feature request for the audio plugin. As for the “missing module” message, the problem is that the mechanic that is used to extract the wave data to play can’t work without the raw wave data which doesn’t exist in a packaged game.

Thanks , I’d love you forever if you could make that feature request =P.

'Til then, I supposed I’m going to have to plug away on this one myself. If I find a solution before you guys get around to it, I’ll be sure to let you know.

+1 This a very important feature, hope it gets definitely implemented.
Go audio developer GO !

Hi ,
are there any updates on this front coming? I want to start a new project that relies on the visualization plugin to work.

Would the plugin work also on mobile or just on desktop?


Hey -

We don’t have any updates yet as to the of audio visualization. With the volume of tasks being worked on it would be difficult to give an exact timeframe for an individual feature.

Hey Constructive Illusions-

There is no new information on this plugin currently. The plugin relies on data that exists only in editor builds which is why it only works in the editor.

Hi , I notice there are now lots of projects looking to use this plugin but all stuck unable to package :(. Would it be possible to prioritize the plugin? Or if you have more info that would be great.


Must say I’d love to see some progress made here. It’s been, what, seven or eight months? It truly is holding back quite a number of people from releasing anything utilizing this plugin.

I noticed on the Unreal Engine Roadmap that a full audio system rewrite is in the works for June/July/August… could it be possible to include this plugin in that rewrite? Having some sort of first party FFT in the engine would be excellent, and likely trivial to add if it’s considered from the very start of refactoring.

+1 Six month after my initial one. That would be a great feature for a lot of content creators.


Would it be possible to have some news about this please?

The Audio Visualizer tool would be of so much help for us. This is something that is greatly supported in Unity, it is really a pity that we cannot do at least as well in UE :wink:

Thanks a lot for your understanding,


Hey werwack-

To fully develop the audio visualization plugin would require time and resources currently dedicated to other development. This feature may be revisited once there are more resources available however there is no time frame at the moment.

Hi ,

Thank you for the answer.
We hope to see that as soon as possible, it would be really really helpful.

Best regards

Wait, this is never coming?

Guys, please! This is the main thing I use Unreal Engine for, I thought I was just waiting patiently for this to be packaged!

In the meantime I’ve been pre-processing the values, which has the drawback of not being able to use live sound input. The goal in the end would be to do multiple live audio input tracks…

But if we could even get the existing code in packageable format, it would be a really useful tool for me and I’m sure a lot of others who are using the tools as they are (I know the demoscene guys have been probing it lately).


so after much searching i found this thread:

dunno if it actually works, won’t have the time to test it myself for a couple of days, but maybe it helps

Currently, that video is set to Private so it cannot be viewed.

I was linked this:

Looks like it works, I’m about to test it now. Hope that helps ^^