My build failed to build and I dont know why.
I use Win10 64bit and Visual Studio 2015.
I tried to package it into Windows 64bit and failed.
I can packaging sample projects.
Fulllog: link text
My build failed to build and I dont know why.
I use Win10 64bit and Visual Studio 2015.
I tried to package it into Windows 64bit and failed.
I can packaging sample projects.
Fulllog: link text
Hi Shmann,
I tried to locate the cause of your issue by just the posted image but could not find a definite answer. In the future, when you are having problems like this please find and post the actual log or at least cut and paste the text in a doc and post it so that we can search the doc for key words. You can obtain packaging logs from the Output logs within the Editor, or the Saved/Logs folder from within the project.
Also, please supply as much information about your project as possible such as:
Lastly, have you read the documentation on Packaging and Cooking Games? If the documentation does not contain the answer, it will at least serve as a point of reference in helping to identify the source of the problem.
Please respond with as much of the above information as possible and we will continue to investigate the cause of this error.
Thanks for reply.
I work on PC (Win10 64bit)
I work theoretically with Visual Studio 2015. I created a C++ project class for my project but I didnt write something in. So I didnt really use it. I modified my Visual Studio 2015 on hour ago with common tools (I read that I need this tools but it didnt helped).
This is my own custom project build from an empty level.
I packaging into Windows 64bit
btw: I uploaded the full log into the main topic.
I hope you get enough information if not just ask
I added these files but it didnt helped. I use multiplayer aswell that´s why I want to package and try it out, but I dont use dedicated servers.
Another user was experiencing an almost identical error on the following post with an accepted answer:
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'Online�SubsystemSteam' in UE4Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. This type must derive from the 'ModuleRules' type defined by Unreal Build T
Let me know if the answer posted there does not resolve your issue.
I added these files and it still dont work, but I cant find the error with onlinesubsystem. link text
To test your game out you don’t need to package it to try it out. Select the number of players under “Play” as shown below, then Play in Editor. Also, if you are not using a dedicated server, make sure this is not selected here as well (see image.)
Try deselecting “Run Dedicated Server” (if you have not already) -then try to package. If this has not been selected all along, let me know.
I already tried this but It doesnt helped.
I delete some lines in the cs files that I dont get the error for a missing module. (This was an unimportant module)
The result was that I could package my game for one minute and then I got a multiple error called “unresolved external symbol “GInternalGameName””.
Log for this error: link text
I only delete 2 lines for this unimportant module and could refresh my c++ project after this, but now I get these errors :S I dont know what I´m doing wrong^^
"unresolved external symbol “GInternalGameName” -This error often means that some function has a declaration, but not a definition.
Hence, resolving the following call functions in your project will likely resolve this error:
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:002][588]LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue3
MainMenu_Map_C /Game/MainMenu/UEDPIE_1_MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map:PersistentLevel.MainMenu_Map_C_1
Function /Game/MainMenu/MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map_C:ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map:0045
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:002][588]PIE:Error: Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue3 from function: 'ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map' from node: Set View Target with Blend in graph: EventGraph in object: MainMenu_Map
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:002][588]LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue
MainMenu_Map_C /Game/MainMenu/UEDPIE_1_MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map:PersistentLevel.MainMenu_Map_C_1
Function /Game/MainMenu/MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map_C:ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map:00B2
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:002][588]PIE:Error: Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue from function: 'ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map' from node: Set bShowMouseCursor in graph: EventGraph in object: MainMenu_Map
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:022][588]LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue2
MainMenu_Map_C /Game/MainMenu/UEDPIE_1_MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map:PersistentLevel.MainMenu_Map_C_1
Function /Game/MainMenu/MainMenu_Map.MainMenu_Map_C:ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map:0163
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:022][588]PIE:Error: Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue2 from function: 'ExecuteUbergraph_MainMenu_Map' from node: Set bShowMouseCursor in graph: EventGraph in object: MainMenu_Map
[2016.05.05-16.15.03:022][588]PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/MainMenu/UEDPIE_1_MainMenu_Map -0.177
Please correct these in your project and let me know if you are still encountering any errors.
Mhm… I try to fix it, but apart from this that I´m a beginner how can I fix “None trying to read”?^^
Accessed None typically means that you are using a pointer that does not point to anything valid. Since you mentioned you are not doing much in VS, I suspect you have blueprint where you calling the function “GetPlayerController” and it is not pointing to anything valid. To check this, run a “Is Valid?” check from “GetPlayerController” node.
I fixed some nodes and now I cant reproduce the errors you posted, but I still cant packaging.
Here´s my log where I cant find your errors anymore so they should be fixed:
I still get these error in the outputlog:
I dont know what these errors want from me now^^
Maybe you know these errors. I cant find something in the internet.
When reading the log (Again do not send a pic of the log, instead cut and paste text in another doc) Find the first error after the build begins. In this case:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool GIsGameAgnosticExe"
Looking this error up on the AnswerHub, I found this post, which may resolve your issue:
In order to isolate packaging bugs vs in-game bugs (like the calling the function “GetPlayerController” issue), be sure to test your game by Playing in Editor -Standalone- to fix all problems related just to the game.Then you can focus on issues related only to packaging.
Lastly, if you are a beginner and not familiar with C++, you might have better luck building a project from one of the Blueprint project templates. Of course, this will not be possible if you are coding ball physics in a billiard game, just something to consider if you want to try something less challenging before trying something at a higher difficulty level.
I hope this helps and that I’ve shown you what to look for in your logs when your project fails to package.
Thanks for your reply. And sorry that I didnt answer yesterday. I had no time.
I seem to fixed my unresolved external symbol errors, BUT I have now a couple of other errors
Maybe you know something about these. They look like easy to fix I hope^^
Thanks for your help so far. I really hope that you can my problems >.<
The error you are experiencing, again the first error after the build in your logs, is
A Google search for this code in Visual Studio reveals that “The identifier is [being] initialized more than once.”
Searching the AnswerHub for this error, we see that more than once this error occurs in a project with a plug-in, as does yours. In the image above it shows an “AdvancedSessions” directory as a subdirectory of both “Plugins” and “Source.”
I’m not sure this is the case, but I suspect the fact that two directories are named exactly the same could cause “the identifier” to be “initialized more than once”
Hence, try launching the project in a Standalone window with the plugin disabled and see if you see the same types of issues? If you do not, with the Launcher and Editor closed, consider renaming the second directory (Source), reenabling the plug-in and deleting the Saved and intermediate folders.
Play in editor to check for errors, then try packaging again.
I dont have two directories for advanced sessions. I wrote your lines from your linked topic into my cpp files and the cpp files of advanced sessions. That´s why it couldnt find the files and checked them twices. I removed this lines again and now I get the error again with “unresolved symbols”
(Btw: AdvancedSessions is in my Project Folders Plugins directory and my changed cpp files are in the source folder of advancedsessions)
I´m really depressed that I can´t use some easy and nice plugins without this kind of errors
I will post my errors into the plugin topic in the forum. Maybe someone have an idea there, but if you have any ideas please let me know! I really want to fix this error
While we narrowed down the issue as a plug in issue, I am not sure of the cause itself. However, after discussing this with other members of the team, I’ve learned that other users have had an issue with the “AdvancedSessions” plugin recently.
Hence, you should not have a problem with all plugins in general but for testing purposes you should disable the AdvancedSessions plugin to see if you still experience the same errors when packaging to determine if this is indeed the source of the issue. If it turns out that the plugin is incompatible with this version of the engine, you will need to notify the creator of the plugin as we cannot provide support for third party add-ons to the engine.
I contacted the creator of the plugin. He said that the problem is not his plugin and give me some ideas what I can do, but nothing helped. I deactivated the plugin and still got the error. (I only have to disable and restart, right?). I´m downloading the unreal engine 4 on my second computer now and test my project there to package. Maybe this helps.
Deactivating the plugin should be all you have to do, but for testing purposes, do not install the plugin at all on your second computer. If you’re still having problems packaging your project on your second computer, post your new logs from the new computer -thanks.
I installed UE4 on my second computer and I didnt install Advanced Sessions or other plugins. I got the same error.
Log1: http://www.file-upload.net/download-11563552/Log.txt.html
Log2: link text
I do also have “Webbrowser” activated, but I cant package my game after I disabled this plugin, too.