I am 16 years old and have loved game dev as a hobby for 2 years now and i finished the demo to my first game im releasing to the public since the rest were personal tests. Every single time I try to package i get cook failed errors such as “cant find file” that is clearly in the content browser, “file name too long”, “failed to load file for asset” basically every error on the list, too many to keep track of. I have the full log copied and pasted on this document for my last package attempy, hoping i could get some assistance. Thank You
294237-log.txt (1.55 MB)
I am also having this error!
LogScriptCore: Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 0 from array ‘CallFunc_GetAllActorsOfClass_OutActors’ of length 0 in ‘/Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonCharacter.ThirdPersonCharacter_C:ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter’!
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter’ from node: Branch in graph: EventGraph in object: ThirdPersonCharacter with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item
LogScriptCore: Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 0 from array ‘CallFunc_GetAllActorsOfClass_OutActors’ of length 0 in
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item from function:
I legit just want to publish my game but every fix i try just results in more errors 
I either wanna find a list of fixes that actually work or something, i dont even know
Hey there,
You’re gonna want to start packing your game on day 1 of development as a test, and continue on through development, to avoid these sorts of problems in the future. The truth is plenty of things will mostly work in the editor but will fail unless you handle them properly when packaging. By waiting until now to attempt to build, all of those little errors have piled up and it will be very challenging to resolve since you cannot test them in the build individually.
Here’s the first few recommendations to get you on the way to successfully packaging your project:
move your entire project folder to the root C: drive of your computer. Use fewer sub folders.
Refresh all the nodes in your blueprints, in blueprints that have errors
use the project settings window to set your “Maps To Package” list. Package as few maps as possible to hopefully bypass any errors in assets you are not using. Consider packaging only a blank map to see if that succeeds, then add your actual maps back into the list one by one.
If you are not using an asset that had compile errors, delete it.
Fix up redirectors constantly.
6)If all else fails, migrate your maps to a empty project, resetup your project settings, and see if that packages properly.
Good luck!
Find that node, add a branch node. Use the function IsValidIndex, if false, don’t continue the logic. You are trying to get an item in a list that’s empty. This is the number one cause of crashes in running games in my experience.