Packaging Error

Hello guys, I’m completely new in developing a game/level in the unreal engine 4. So I built a little level, but I’m always getting an error when i try to package the project. This is what I get: ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/83801-ue.png

Can anybody help me?

Here’s the log:
83802-cook-2016.03.25-08.35.16.txt (620 KB)

Thank you very much!

Hi there,

It says you have 2 errors and 59 warning after it tries to cook all your packages. You want to try and make this say 0 errors. Not sure what the warnings are, maybe they are harmless but could be worth checking them out too.

Anyway, I get this error all the time. To solve this I usually have to refresh the problem blueprint nodes. I think it’s FILE > Refresh All Blueprint Nodes. Or it might be under EDIT. I haven’t gone through your log to find out which one is causing the problem. Or you could try refreshing all of your blueprints.

Good luck.