How may I change the target platforms for Plugin Packaging? I currently am receiving an error with respect to packaging for Android, and I do NOT want to currently package for Android.
UATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): Building plugin for target platforms: Android, IOS, Linux, LinuxAArch64, Win64, Win32
The answer to this question is to whitelist the target platforms for what you want your target platforms to be packaged. This is done is the following way:
I will try.
Thanks! I hope I can share this with the world when I fix the error. I’ve got pretty nice island going, wanna put it up on the marketplace, but this error holds the whole project, getting denied by the Marketplace Engineers
I’m working on the same sort of issue for a plugin in Unreal 5.3
I found the documentation that lists the members but I would hardly call that documentation … more like list of members …
Is there any documentation that breaks down the .uplugin and shows its use cases as the file self
I managed to get it limited to Win64 … but attempting to add Linux and Mac to that causes it to build for Droid again
I would love to see a list of what the valid values are just guessing based on what I see elsewhere RE platform labels