Packaged Game Not Launching in Last Confirmed Fullscreen Mode/Resolution


I’m working on a settings menu for my game, but when I package the game and attempt to launch it after modifying the settings, the user’s last confirmed fullscreen mode and resolution settings are not being applied on startup.

I’ve overridden UGameUserSettings, and my GameUserSettings.ini reflects the changes being made/saved. In fact, if I go into the settings menu it loads in the proper settings.

Anyone know why this might be? The game is not being launched with any command line overrides that would affect the fullscreen mode nor resolution.


Edit: I’m using UE4.25.

Solved: Overriding UGameUserSettings::UpdateVersion and using a different version value other than UE_GAMEUSERSETTINGS_VERSION will result in UGameUserSettings::PreloadResolutionSettings skipping over loading from the config file on startup.

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