Level Streaming is working as expected when playing by launching and did work correctly when packaged, however, it now no longer works when packaged even though it is still working when launched.
Our game opens on an empty persistent level and fades the screen to black then loads in ‘streaming level 1’. Once ‘streaming level 1’ is loaded the screen fades back in. There is a level select menu in this level and when a level is selected the screen fades and ‘streaming level 2’ is loaded in and ‘streaming level 1’ is unloaded. Once ‘streaming level 2’ is loaded the screen fades back in and there is a menu in this level that will bring the player back to ‘streaming level 1’. This all works when playing by launching, and for a while worked when packaging too, but recently it stopped working when packaging.
Now, ‘streaming level 1’ loads in as expected but when the menu option is selected to go to ‘streaming level 2’ the screen fades but ‘streaming level 2’ is no longer being loaded and ‘streaming level 1’ is not being unloaded.
I have added print strings to the BP to help see where the issue is but the code seems to be executing all the way through. That is, I have added a print string to before loading level 2, after loading level 2 and before unloading level 1, as well as after unloading level 1. All of these print strings are being shown, however, nothing is happening loading-wise. The player is still in level 1 and level 2 has not been loaded in, despite the print strings before and after each BP node calling for loading and unloading being executed.
I have the maps added to the ‘List of maps to include in a packaged build’. Additionally, I have ‘full rebuild’ selected.
The loading and unloading works when packaged using earlier maps that were used to test the level streaming, but when those same maps are duplicated, renamed, rebuilt and added to list of maps to include in packaged build the streaming no longer works as expected.
The persistent map loads and same with sub-level 1, but sub-level 2 doesn’t load when called by bp and then sub-level 1 doesn’t unload when called after. Even though the code is executing all the way through and showing the print-strings before and after each of those bp calls.