Hi all,
I am working on a VR project for windows and along the process I have been trying lumen on VR; I got nice results playing the game in the editor, so I decided to package a Lumen version of my game.
While all is working smoothly in the editor (tested with Rtx4090), and while the package build is successful, it seems impossible to launch the VR app after package for windows.
When the app launch, I have a black screen with this message popping :
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 954]
Rendering thread exception:
Assertion failed: ReflectionPass != ELumenReflectionPass::FrontLayerTranslucency || (FrontLayerReflectionGBuffer && FrontLayerReflectionGBuffer->FrontLayerTranslucencySceneDepth->Desc.Extent == SceneTextures.Config.Extent) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\Lumen\LumenReflections.cpp] [Line: 1025]
Does anyone know what this mean?
I would like to know if someone could build a VR game with lumen/nanite and play the packaged game. Maybe it is just not ready for production yet?
The “normal” version of my game (with baked lights) is working perfectly after package.
Many thanks for your inputs,