I try to package my game for Linux Platforms, with Engine Source from Github.
I also installed the toolchain clang.
I build ue4 for both Windows and Linux sucessfully.
When I build, with vs2017, for Win64 and Linux, all works fine.
When I want to package for Linux, I have some errors on Output log.
Here :
undefined reference to `GetPrivateStaticClassBody(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, UClass*&, void ()(), unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long long, wchar_t const, void ()(FOb
jectInitializer const&), UObject ()(FVTableHelper&), void ()(UObject*, FReferenceCollector&), UClass* ()(), UClass (*)(), bool)’
undefined reference to `UFunction::UFunction(FObjectInitializer const&, UFunction*, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned long)'
This issues pop up with 2 plugin : blui et Loading screen.
So what I miss ? May I rebuild the plugin ? I have the librairies of there (.so and .dll)
Thanks for help