Package Fail: CompressedFormat == PF_Unknown || CompressedFormat == CompressedMip[0].PixelFormat

Hi Everyone

I am trying to package a VR game for the quest 2 that I have built to android vulkan. The game packages successfully BEFORE I build the lighting. AFTER I build lighting I get a error during cooking That says:

“LogWindows: Error: Error reentered: Assertion failed: CompressedFormat == PF_Unknown || CompressedFormat == CompressedMip[0].PixelFormat [File:D:/build/++UE5/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/VT/VirtualTextureDataBuilder.cpp] [Line: 673]”

(See full output log atttached).

I am on Unreal engine 5 early access but the error is happening on 4.26 as well.

I can’t find any help on this particular error, any advice appreciated.

link text

Ok I found the solution and will post it here if anyone ever runs into the same problem

I reduced the lightmap resolution of my largest meshes down to 8 instead of 64 and it did the trick