Package Error (Windows 64-bit)

Hi, I tried to packaged my game, but it failed. I don’t really know why it failed. I have tried again many times and watch many YouTube tutorials but it seems does not work. Here is the output log.
errorlog.txt (189.2 KB)

Hey @ItsBlackpink,

It looks like that error log is showing a pretty high number of unknown structures in your blueprints. To resolve this, you’ll have to go into each blueprint specified in the error log and recompile the blueprint. If recompiling fails, the log should point you to the offending node(s) in the blueprint; right click and refresh them.

Look for entries in your error log with “Unknown Structure” at the end to see the offending assets, they can be found at the bottom of the error log. This is a pretty large number of assets to have an error like this, did you recently change something that these assets all rely on? Hopefully by going to one or two of the problem assets you can figure out the root cause of the issue.

I hope this information helps, and good luck!