I’g going through some package errors that I can’t solve…
In the output log, one of the errors is the following:
“logD3D11RHI: Warning: Temp texture streaming buffer not large enough, needed 16777216 bytes”.
I’ve modified the defaultengine.ini file with “r.Streaming.Poolsize=6000”, but the issue still remains.
Someone can help me with this?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, did you get a solution to this problem? I am facing a similar issue. I have changed the steaming poolsize but not able to figure how to change max temp streaming buffer .
Hi and thanks.
Is it possible to change this parameter of maximum memory allowed?
If yes, where can I adjust it?
no, please read here Texture Streaming Configuration | Unreal Engine Documentation
adjust for example: Main_Map - Level Blueprint Editor (337 kb) закачан 10 апреля 2019 г. Joxi
you can try it as suggestions, because I still have this warnings but my free memory more then this limits. also try increase other settings by the link above
Thank you.
So, if i adjust the value to 100 in the Main_Map - Level Blueprint, will i solve the issue? Or it’s a computer problem of maximum memory limit?
I’m asking because at the moment i can’t test this on my pc.
I get the exact Byte amount in my error aswell so this led me to think that there is another problem cause this error to pop-up, what are the odds to get the same amount of Bytes in an error like this?
I use ue version 4.21
So, is this issue solved with the 4.21 version?